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Sophie’s Surprise 29th

by on 19 April 2024

Lithe Show

Sophie’s Surprise 29th

Three Legged Race at the Underbelly Boulevard, Soho until 28th June

Review by Denis Valentine

First and foremost, Sophie’s Surprise 29th is a ninety-minute highly entertaining and skilled circus-cabaret romp.  All the performers are elite level talented and at the top of their craft, with credits from the likes of La Clique, The 7 Fingers, Cirque du Soleil to their names.  They have come together to put together a fun and accessible close-up show environment that entertains its audience on a variety of different levels. 

Framed around the idea of it being a surprise party (with an audience member being chosen as Sophie) the performers, as an assortment of different characters, go about entertaining the audience, not just with their great aerialist and acrobatic skill, but also with playful interactions.  The show does well to incorporate different theatrical elements into it, with the audience participation and over-the-top characters.  There are elements of pantomime, circus, improv, commedia and more.  As mentioned, audience participation is encouraged and having an enthusiastic and game crowd only helps amplify the enjoyment for everyone. 

A great spectacle away from the aerialists and acrobatics comes from Dru Cripps who brings a great comedic musical piece in the second half.  Dressed in only a tool belt (literally) he offers a few freestyled musical numbers in which ever style is loudly shouted from the audience.  It is a highly amusing bit of comedy and really brings the room’s party atmosphere together, paving the way for the finale.   

Perhaps the only shame in the show is that, especially in the first half, it does not lean into its narrative premise as heavily as it might.  At times it becomes one piece after another and loses the little character nods before certain pieces, which when they are realised only help to accentuate the performances.  Two cases where these are best felt are with Cornelius Atkinson’s Goth Boy, who has a standout early moment born from the narrative of his character’s rejection, and Katharine Arnold’s shifting from a geeky persona to a major dominating presence.  The narrative backings to both really help to accentuate their performances. 

For anybody or group, looking for a fun, awe-inspiring hour and a half long blast then Sophie’s Surprise 29th is an excellent choice.  With all its different elements mixed around its highly skilled performers, any audience should walk away highly amused, entertained and slightly breathless.

Denis Valentine, April 2024

Photography by Will Wood

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
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